Saturday, November 11, 2017

Today I Build a Quilt

Time again to assemble a project. I find great joy in putting together a quilt. Every bit of it is a journey of discovery. Scraps, no matter how diverse can come together and become something beautiful.  

I learned a very valuable lesson (for me) from a dear person no longer in my circle of friends, and the loss is mine, and that lesson is that every interaction creates an opportunity to be not only teacher but humble student. Keeping that thought uppermost in these troubling times of instant access to everyone’s thoughts on social media is not the easiest thing to do.

The people in my young life were up-lifters. I was encouraged to find the best in people. I did not understand that there were things that troubled the people around me. Civil unrest was rampant in the cities but did not touch my neighborhood. I loved my neighbors.
Recently I thought it was a failing on my part that I do not see the troubling thoughts in the people around me, but I realize it is not possible to see what others think.  Living life is not an easy thing to do on the best of days at times. Getting old has its burdens as well as its perks.

Building quilts is a release of sorts. My thoughts can drift. Things get sorted in my head. A block emerges from the chaos on my sewing table. Then another and another and soon there is a box of blocks. I hope my swirling thoughts can find the same result.
The drifting thoughts flit through a variety of subjects and I find the need to express myself in words. November is a time for reflection. Looking back at the joys and sorrows and finding the value in the things for which I am thankful. Since too much information is too much information, I will still keep those flitting thoughts to myself, but I need to make quilts. I need to see the beauty arise from the chaos.

Find your joy. Make people smile. Love what you do. Do what you love.

Today I build a quilt.

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